
Investing in a Vacation Property? Learn What You’ll Need to Have to Get A Mortgage Approved

With approximately one million people having purchased vacation homes in the last year, this type of residence is gaining popularity for those who are interested in a home in a beach setting or a vacation hot spot. However, while a second home can seem like a great purchase and solid investment opportunity, there are different requirements that go into this type of purchase. If you're considering a vacation home, you may want to be aware of the following financial factors. The Down Payment Amount If you currently have a primary residence, you may be aware that you don't need to…
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Mortgage Myths: Here’s Why You Don’t Need a Full 20 Percent Down Payment

If you're just getting into the real estate market, you may have heard that 20% down is the ideal percentage in order to lower your monthly payments and get your mortgage application approved. However, while 20% is often suggested, many people struggle to come up with this amount of money. If you're staving off home ownership, here are some reasons you may not need to hold off as you long as you thought. Minimizing Your Insurance Costs Putting down 20% of the total purchase price of your home is often suggested, but it doesn't definitively mean that your application won't…
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Real Estate Investing: 3 Insider Tips to Winning House, Land or Foreclosure Auctions

House, land and foreclosure auctions can be one of the most nerve-wracking ways to buy a property. However, if you prepare yourself with proven bidding tactics, auctions can be a great way to purchase your dream home at a competitive price. If you're in-it-to-win-it, familiarize yourself with these top three tips and tricks before attending a real estate auction. Give The Right Impression While you may not have control over what other bidders are willing to pay for a property, you do have some control over their perception of whether or not bidding against you is worthwhile. Come well-dressed and…
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Financing That Dream Home with a Mortgage? Here’s What to Expect on Closing Day

There are so many details that lead up to the purchase of your dream home that it can be hard to realize it when the closing day is finally upon you. However, when closing day finally arrives, there will still be a few last minute details that need to be taken care of. If you're getting ready to solidify your home purchase and are wondering about the remaining paperwork and any unknown details, here are some things you can expect when it comes to making your purchase complete. One Last Walk Through A home inspection is an important part of…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – September 12, 2016

Few economic reports were released last week due to the Labor Day Holiday. The Federal Reserve released its Beige Book Report, which documents anecdotes shared with the Fed by its regional business contacts. A job openings report, weekly jobless claims and Freddie Mac's survey of mortgage rates was also released. Fed's Beige Book: Approaching Election Dampens Business Growth According to the Federal Reserve's survey of business contacts within its 12 districts, November's election is causing business owners to take a "wait and see" position regarding expansion plans. Commercial real estate contacts in several Fed districts cited modest projections for sales…
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Growing Your Wealth: 3 Reasons Why Real Estate Is the Ultimate Long-Term Investment

While many people may be hesitant to consider real estate as a viable long-term investment, owning property has a steady historical track record and isn't as volatile as other investment markets can be. Any investor who hasn't seriously considered it as an option should take a closer look at the benefits of owning real estate and why it is the ultimate long-term investment strategy. It Becomes A Consistent Source Of Income Investing in rental property has the added benefit of being able to show regular returns in the form of rental income. Unlike other long-term investments that require a level…
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