
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – August 22, 2016

Last week's economic news included the NAHB Housing Market Index, Commerce Department releases on housing starts and building permits issued. Weekly reports on mortgage rates and new jobless claims were also released. Shortages of available single-family homes have driven up home prices and increased competition among homebuyers; short inventories of homes for sale are affecting affordability in many areas, although buyers seem motivated by lower mortgage rates and some easing of mortgage requirements. Analysts have repeatedly said that the only solution to the shortage of homes is building more homes. Fortunately, the National Association of Home Builders reported that builder…
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Real Estate Investing: How to Find Great Deals on Undeveloped Lots with Big Potential

Purchasing a plot of land can be one of the best investments to make. A landowner has great (but not unlimited) freedom in how to develop their plot, and land never expires so its potential is essentially infinite. That said, buying undeveloped or vacant land can be risky business, so read on to find tips on purchasing a plot. Do Your Homework: Before You Get Onto The Land Before anything else happens, figure out your priorities. Decide what you want the land for, what amenities and what location you want, what you're looking for in terms of neighbors or local…
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NAHB: Builder Sentiment Improves in August

According to the National Association of Home Builders, August home builder sentiment met analyst expectations and rose by two points to a reading of 60; July's reading was revised downward to 58. Two out of three components used in calculating the Home Builder Index were higher. Builder sentiment concerning current housing conditions rose two points to 65. Builders were also more confident about housing market conditions within the next six months; August's reading was one point higher at 56. Builders were less confident about buyer traffic in new housing developments. August's reading slipped one point to 44. Any reading above…
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3 Things You Must Do after Inheriting a Home

There can be a lot of excitement when it comes to the realization that you've inherited a home, but simply because it's an inheritance doesn't mean there aren't a few strings attached. Whether you're expecting to be gifted with a home in the future or you're currently going through this process, here are a few things you may need to watch out for. The State Of The Mortgage Once a home has been effectively handed over to you, it's important to determine the status of the mortgage with the lender and if anything is still owed. While you have the…
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Bi-weekly or Monthly Mortgage Payments – Which is better?

When you apply for a new mortgage, your lender may ask if you want to set up monthly payments or bi-weekly payments. At one time, monthly payments were common, but bi-weekly payments are increasing in popularity. This is because they break a large expense up into two smaller and seemingly more manageable payments. In addition, you can also make what equates to a full extra payment on the mortgage each year with a bi-weekly payment structure. Before you decide which is best for you, consider a few factors. Your Personal Budget Many people may believe that if they get paid…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – August 15, 2016

Last week's economic news included reports on job openings, retail sales and recurring reports on mortgage rates and new jobless claims. Job openings and hiring increased, which provided further evidence of stronger economic conditions. Retail sales were flat in July, new unemployment claims dropped and mortgage rates changed little. Labor Reports Suggest Stronger Economic Trends The Labor Department reported more job openings in June with 5.60 openings as compared to 5.50 million job openings in May. According to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, 5.13 million workers were hired in June as compared to May's reading of 5.15 million…
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