
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – May 16, 2016

Last week's economic news included reports on retail sales and consumer sentiment along with weekly releases on new jobless claims and mortgage rates. Retail sales jumped 1.30 percent in April as compared to the March reading of 0.30 percent. Retail sales excluding the automotive sector rose from 0.40 percent growth in March to 0.80 percent growth in April. Both retail sales reports exceeded expectations. Growth in consumer spending suggests higher confidence in economic conditions and may lead potential homebuyers to consider buying rather than renting their homes. Consumer sentiment jumped in May to a reading of 95.8 as compared to…
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‘Free Pizza for Life’ and Other Crazy Home Sales Gimmicks from Across the Nation

With the real estate market going through constant fluctuations, it can sometimes be a matter of strife to sell a home. Some will take the familiar road of staging and hope the offers come in, while others will do some crazy things to prove their home is worth buying. While you may not want to take the risk of making these bold moves yourself, here are the unusual things that some people did in hopes of getting their home off the market a little sooner. The Perk Of Added Incentives While there are a variety of goods that can be…
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5 Uncommon Mortgage Terms You Need to Know

When it comes to finding a new home, there are lots of complex ratios, terms, and contracts that you'll encounter - and at times, it'll feel like you're trying to navigate a minefield. Here are five mortgage terms you may not encounter regularly that you'll need to know when buying a home. Escrow: Money Held In Trust To Pay Taxes An escrow account is a bank account that your lender maintains on your behalf. When you close your mortgage, you'll need to deposit a certain percent of your annual property taxes into the escrow account, which your lender will hold…
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How to Smartly Leverage Your Home Equity

So you've been a homeowner for some time. You've been faithfully paying off your mortgage for years, and you have a fair bit of equity built up in your home – and that makes you proud. But now, you're wondering what good equity is if you're not using it. How do you actually use home equity? And how do you leverage it to get a high return for low risk? Here are just a few options you may want to consider if you're looking for something to do with your equity. Use A Home Equity Loan Or HELOC To Pay…
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Avoiding Home Buyer Remorse: 5 Tips for a Happier Homeowner

The rush of excitement that comes with finding the home you've been looking for is ideal, but just because it seems like the perfect place, it doesn't mean there aren't other factors to consider. Instead of getting hit with buyer's remorse, here are some tips so that your home purchase doesn't become something you'll regret. Forget About The Competition If you're contemplating a house and happen to be dragged into a bidding war, it's important to take a step back and determine if it's really the right home for you. It can be easy to get carried away and up…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – May 9, 2016

Mortgage rates fell across the board last week according to Freddie Mac's Primary Mortgage Market Survey. Other economic news included reports on construction spending, public and private sector employment and national unemployment. Construction Spending Grows in March The Commerce Department reported that the growth rate for construction spending fell in March to 0.30 percent/Analysts expected a reading of 0.70 percent based on February's upwardly revised growth rate of 1.0 percent. Construction spending was propelled by a 1.50 percent increase in residential construction spending; this is good news for would-be home buyers who've been shut out of the market due to…
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