
3 Quick Painting Tips That Will Help Take Your Walls from Tacky to Tasteful

Whether you happen to be a painting pro or you've never dared to pick up a roller, there are a few tricks of the trade that professionals use to make a paint job look its best. If you want to take an old, outdated paint job and turn it into something you can be proud of, here are a few tips from those who know best. Start With A Perfectly Smooth Surface If you're trying to rush through it, sanding might seem like an unnecessary step in re-covering your walls, but it's very important in order to level out the…
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December Home Prices Rise According To S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index

Home prices rose slightly in December according to S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices released Tuesday. According to the S&P Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index, which covers cities representing all nine US Census divisions, home prices rose 5.40 percent year-over-year in December as compared to November's reading of 5.20 percent. December's year-over-year home price increases were led by Portland Oregon at 11.40 percent, San Francisco, California at 10.30 percent and Denver, Colorado with a year-over-year reading of 10.20 percent. 10 cities reported higher home prices while eight cities reported lower home prices and year-over-year home prices were unchanged for two cities.…
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Buying a New Home? Learn How the ‘Conforming Loan Limit’ Might Affect Your Purchase

From mortgage to equity to debt-to-income ratio, there are many terms associated with home ownership that can be quite confusing if you've never been on the market for a home before. 'Conforming loan limit' may be a less familiar real estate term than the rest, but here are some things you'll need to know about it and what it could mean for your biggest investment. What Is The 'Conforming Loan Limit'? The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) are legally required to provide loans for balances below a specific amount, and…
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How to Calculate Your True Cost of Living and Determine How Much Mortgage You Can Afford

A monthly mortgage can seem like enough of a financial responsibility on its own, but there are many factors involved in home ownership that affect its fiscal feasibility. If you're in the market for a house and are wondering how your income will stack up against the rest of your expenses, here's how to determine a home cost that's reasonable for you. Determine Your Down Payment Before you start with anything else, you'll want to determine the amount of money you can put down so you can estimate your monthly payments. The traditional amount for a down payment is 20%…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – February 22, 2016

Last week's economic news included the NAHB Housing Market Index, Commerce Department releases on housing starts and building permits and minutes of the most recent meeting of the Fed's FOMC meeting. Home Builder Confidence Falls in February According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), home builders had less confidence in market conditions for newly built homes. The reading for February was three points lower at 58 than the upwardly adjusted reading for January. Analysts had expected a reading of 59; any reading over 50 indicates that more builders are confident about conditions than those who are not. Builder…
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Eliminate These 5 Barriers To Saving For Your Down Payment This Month!

With all the expenses that go into monthly living and the temptations that come along with life, saving money for the down payment on your new home can be quite a struggle for many people. If you're having a hard time saving and are wondering what you can do to ensure a higher bank balance next month, here are a few things that may pose a risk to getting the home of your dreams. Forgetting To Take Lunch One of the things most likely to defeat your bank balance is the daily office trip to the deli or diner. Instead…
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