
Hunting for the Best Local Schools? Here Are 5 Checklist Items You’ll Want to Look For

There are numerous factors that you may review when choosing a new place to live. If you have children, the quality of the schools and the level of education that your kids will receive in the schools is important. However, you may not be certain how to determine if a school is good or not. When you are looking at schools, use this helpful checklist to guide you in making a great decision. Achievement Data One of the easiest factors for you to research about different school districts and individual schools is achievement data. This may include the percentage of…
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The Pros and Cons of Using Spare Funds to Pay Your Mortgage Down Faster

A home mortgage payment can be a large or even the largest expense in a person's budget, and not having this payment any longer can be a life changing experience. Because of this, you may be dreaming about the day when you no longer have to make this payment. Some people may even actively make extra payments to their mortgage in order to pay the outstanding balance off more quickly. These may be funds from an IRS tax refund, cash received from the holidays or a birthday or some other windfall. Before you make the decision about whether to use…
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Buying a Home This Summer? Our Guide to Finding the Perfect New Neighborhood

Finding the perfect home to purchase is easier said than done, and savvy home buyers understand the importance of researching the neighborhood as well as the home. All home buyers have unique things that they are looking for in an ideal neighborhood, and these factors will play a major role in how enjoyable a homeowner's living experience is. Those who are shopping for a new home this summer may focus on a few points to find the perfect neighborhood to live in before deciding which home to purchase in that community. Get A Feel For The Ambience And Energy Of…
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First-time Mortgage Borrowers: Avoid These “Rookie Mistakes”

Many home buyers who are applying for their first mortgage will go to great lengths to research the options, learn more about loan terms and generally educate themselves about a process that they are unfamiliar with. Despite these common steps that rookie mortgage applicants make, they often make similar mistakes when applying for their first mortgage. By learning about these common mistakes, you can take steps to prevent making them yourself. Not Focusing on All Costs of Home Ownership Many first-time home buyers are overwhelmingly focused on setting up a mortgage payment that is affordable for their budget. While this…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 8, 2015

Last week's economic news included reports on construction spending, Freddie Mac's mortgage rates survey and several employment related reports. The details: Construction Spending Jumps The Commerce Department reported that construction spending reached its fastest annual pace since November 2008. Most of the momentum was caused by construction of apartments, commercial projects and roads, and construction of single family homes. Builders spent 2.20 percent more in April than they did in March, which equated to an annual outlay of $1.01 trillion for all types of construction spending. Analysts said that increased spending in construction indicated that the housing sector could see…
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Four Handy Tips for Managing Your Lawn Now That the Spring Rains Have Arrived

In many areas, the spring months mean warmer temperatures, more sunshine and plenty of beneficial rainfall that your yard may thrive with. These are prime growing conditions for your lawn, but they can also make lawn maintenance a challenge. By following these helpful tips, you can take better care of your yard during this rainy spring season. Re-Seed or Re-Sod Carefully The spring months are one of the best times of the year to re-seed or re-sod your lawn. If you have bare spots in your yard, these spots can turn into giant mud puddles during a heavy rainstorm that…
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