
Ready to Relocate? 3 Tips on How to Set a Moving Budget That Won’t Break the Bank

Relocating to a new area can be exciting, but it can also be expensive. There are many resources to help, but most cost money. However, if you take your time and plan carefully, you can reduce the expense so you don't start your new life with new debt. Here are three tips to controlling your moving budget. 1. Find Out What's Free Nothing is better than paying nothing, right? Don't assume you have to fork out money for everything you need to move. If you have accepted a new job, ask your new employer whether the company can cover any…
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Understanding Lower FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums and How They May Help You Save Money

FHA loans are designed to help individuals take advantage of the benefits of home ownership, and these loans have low down payment requirements. However, for borrowers who choose to make a down payment that is less than 20 percent of the sales price, the borrower will be required to pay a mortgage insurance premium with the monthly mortgage payment. This premium is in place to minimize the risk that the lender takes when making a low down payment loan, but it does result in a higher monthly mortgage payment for the homeowner. Recently, the FHA has announced a lower rate…
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Real Estate Investing: Why Buying Raw Land Can Be an Excellent Long-Term Strategy

When many people think about investing in property, they think about purchasing income-producing real estate such as a residential property or an office building with tenants. There are indeed many benefits associated with investing in income-producing property. For example, these properties may produce rent that can offset your ownership expenses. However, buying raw land can also be an excellent long-term investment strategy. By learning more about the benefits of investing in raw land, you may be ready to start searching for real estate to invest in soon. Minimal Ownership Expenses Raw land will not have as many ownership expenses as…
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Save Some Additional Cash with Our Guide to Lowering Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

If you are like many other homeowners, your home mortgage payment is the single largest expense in your monthly budget. This is a fixed expense that you will typically be responsible for until your loan is paid in full or until you sell your home, and you may have a 15, 20 or even 30 year term on your mortgage. If your home mortgage payment has become unaffordable or burdensome for you to manage with your current financial situation, rest assured that you may be able to save some additional cash each month without selling your home. Refinancing your existing…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – May 4, 2015

Last week's economic news included S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index reports, the Fed's FOMC meeting statement and pending home sales. Freddie Mac mortgage rates and weekly jobless claims were also released as usual. The details: Case-Shiller: Denver Leads Home Price Gains in February The S&P Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index showed that home prices continue to appreciate, but at a slower rate than in previous years. Home prices increased at a seasonally-adjusted year-over-year rate of 4.20 percent in February as compared to the February 2014 reading of 4.40 percent. Denver, Colorado led February's year-over-year home price appreciation rates with a…
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Thinking About a Major Renovation? Three Reasons to Consider Adding a Second Story

When your home is no longer fully functional for your needs, you may be thinking about moving into a larger home with a more functional floor plan. While this is one option to consider, another option is to renovate your existing home. You could build a wing onto your home, or you could add a second story to the property. There are several reasons why adding a second story to your floor plan may be the best solution for you. Use the Existing Footprint When you build a wing outward from your home, you will need to pour more foundation…
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