
Which Type Of Pool Is Right For You? We Look At The Best Designs For Your Backyard

The decision to install a pool is generally one that is applauded by at least certain members of the family. Whether you have children or not, however, having a pool at home is certainly something you can enjoy for yourself. But what if you don't think your yard is particularly suited to a pool? Don't rule out the idea just yet; instead, consider some of these different pool designs to suit different sizes and styles of backyards. Make The Most Of Your Small Backyard For a relatively small backyard, you should always choose the right pool design that will ensure…
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How Pre-Qualifying Helps You Find the Right Home

Too often, home buyers are disappointed when they find their dream home only to discover they are not able to get a mortgage to purchase the property. There are methods that potential buyers can use to ensure this does not happen to them. One of these options is to ensure you obtain a pre-qualification from your lender. It is important to understand the difference between a pre-approval and a pre-qualification. While both are helpful, they do not carry the same weight. What Are The Differences Between These Options? A pre-qualification allows a borrower to determine how much money they may…
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Thinking About Buying An Investment Property? 6 Tips To Ensure You Don’t Get Fleeced

Purchasing an investment property is one of the most important decisions that you'll ever be a part of. As such, it's a necessity to make your decisions with only the most careful of consideration. Here are the six tips that you need to heed in order to ensure that you don't get fleeced. Find The Right Property At The Right Price Yes, this is a whole lot easier said than done. However, it's not impossible. All it takes is some patience and research. You have to determine what everything in your area is selling for in order to be able…
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Small Business Owner? Here’s What You Need To Know About Mortgages

If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you probably know that there are a lot of advantages to this lifestyle - the freedom, the exciting challenges, the opportunities and the ability to make a living doing what you love. However, you also know that being a small business owner can make some things more challenging - such as apply for a mortgage for your home. Many small business owners find it tough to get approved for a mortgage, because their income can be erratic and the banks want to see proof of consistent earnings over a significant…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 2, 2014

Last week's economic news was fairly quiet due to the Memorial Day holiday on Monday and no scheduled news released on Wednesday. Home Prices Post Modest Gains, But Growth Rate of Home Prices Slows Tuesday's release of the S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index for March showed that home prices are edging up, but at a slower pace than last year. Home prices increased by 12.40 percent year-over-year as compared to February's reading of 12.90 percent year-over-year. Analysts expected prices to fall as construction picks up and more homes are listed for sale. Lower demand due to strict mortgage lending standards…
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The Green Thumb: Four Easy Ways To Get More From Your Home Garden

Growing a home garden creates beauty, oxygen and even food for our families to enjoy. If you're looking to get more from your home garden, here are four easy ways to improve a green thumb. A Good Foundation For Your Garden Good soil is the foundation of a healthy garden. By using quality soil, you can give your garden plants the best start possible. Adding a variety of organic matter to soil will give plants a happy home to grow in. Add two to three inches of organic matter to your garden bed at the beginning of each season. Compost,…
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