
Millenials Have Great Homebuying Tools Available To Them

The economy seems to be finally turning, and home loan interest rates are still historically low. Real estate values are starting to climb as well, all of which makes for a growing opportunity for new homeowners to get into the market before it gets too expensive again. Millennials Don't Seem To Be On Board They represent the next generation of homebuyers, but a number of barriers can seem to be smack in the way, discouraging many. Yet there are ways around these issues. According to the Boston Globe, only 32 percent of Millennials are homeowners in 2014, either with a…
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Are Interest Rates On The Rise – What’s The Next Move?

As the federal reserve continues to taper quantitative easing measures, financial experts project mortgage interest rates will climb in the next two years. Could this be the much awaited ray of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel for builders and investors or will it drive hesitant home buyers to dig in and shelter in place? Homeowners who are vacillating between refinancing for a lower interest rate and staying the course may find the time has come to make a decision. Shrinking unemployment numbers and rising retail sales figures signal that the economy is improving. Even if no one…
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Important Legal Tips For Homeowners

Being a homeowner is exciting. It can be financially rewarding, too. Unfortunately, it can also put you in a tough legal position. Between the complexities of owning a house, having to deal with lenders and the risk that comes from owning something valuable, keeping yourself legally protected is a good idea. Here Are Some Risks -- And Some Ways To Handle Them. HOAs. If you own a condo, townhome or other property in an association, the homeowner association is extremely powerful. Not paying their dues, violating their rules, or doing just about anything else to end up on the wrong…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – March 31, 2014

Last week's economic news includes several reports about housing markets. The S&P Case-Shiller 10 and 20 city housing market indices, the FHFA House Price Index, New Home Sales and Pending Home sales reports suggest that the national housing market continues to grow, but at lower rates. Regional readings varied and suggested that winter weather was a negative influence on affected markets. In a press conference held on March 19 Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said that severe winter weather had interfered with the Fed's ability to get a clear reading on economic developments. The Case-Shiller 10 and 20-City Home Price…
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Simplified Home Loan Modification Program Recently Announced

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) recently announced a new, streamlined home loan modification program to help Ardmore home owners who are behind in their payments or own a home with a mortgage that is under water. The purpose of the recently announced program continues to focus on helping troubled borrowers avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes. Simplified Modification Criteria Creates More Opportunity For Home Owners Beginning this summer, on July 1st to be exact, the new Streamlined Modification Initiative will be available to home owners that meet certain criteria. Interestingly, this new program will require home loan servicers…
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Home Prices Accelerate In 2013 WIth Double Digit Growth

Last week, the S&P/Case-Shiller Index showed home prices gaining 8.1 percent during the 12-month period ending January 2013, marking the largest year-over-year increases since the summer of 2006. The Case-Shiller Index measures changes in home prices by tracking same-home sales throughout 20 housing markets nationwide; and the change in sales price from sale-to-sale. Detached, single-family residences are used in the Case-Shiller Index methodology and data is for closed purchase transactions only. All 20 Case Shiller Index Markets Show Growth Between December 2012 and January 2013, home values rose in all 20 Case-Shiller Index markets, with previously-hard hit areas such as…
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