Expecting a Newborn? Baby-proof Your Home With This Quick and Easy Checklist

It's a very exciting time for most parents when their kids begin to crawl, but it can also be much more difficult to watch over your child and ensure their safety. If your child is starting to get along on their own and you're preparing to baby proof, here are the main areas and items you'll want to watch out for. Clearing Away The Crib There's no place your child is going to spend more time, so ensure that there are no toys left in their crib when they're going to sleep. You'll also want to stay away from fluffy…
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5 Surprisingly Stylish Ways to Improve Your Living Room’s Look Using Wallpaper

From a sophisticated couch to a stunning art print, there are plenty of ways that you can dress up your living room and instantly change its vibe. You may not realize it, but wallpaper is back in fashion and becoming another popular way to instantly revamp a room. If you're contemplating ways that wallpaper can benefit your space, here are some options you may want to try out. Add An Accent A brightly colored accent wall may have been a popular trend a few years ago, but a way to bring your wall into current fashion can be to add…
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Itching to Start a Project? Don’t Forget These Four Key Tips to Avoiding Renovator’s Remorse

Take a look around your home. Do you feel that burning desire to renovate or upgrade certain areas? Perhaps it's the kitchen countertops or the décor in the master bedroom. Whatever the case, if you're itching to take on a home renovation project you'll want to ensure it's one that makes your life better – not worse! Let's take a look at four tips that will help you to avoid experiencing "renovator's remorse." Ask Yourself: Will This Project Add Value? If you're renovating to build equity in your home, you'll want to determine if the project is worth undertaking. There…
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Community Living: The Quick and Easy Guide to Starting a Community Garden

Ah, the city. With so many people living in an urban landscape these days, it can be hard to find anything more than a planter on the balcony for your herbs. And good luck finding space for vegetables or large flowering plants! Fortunately, coming up with a community garden can be a great way to get the locals together. If you're wondering how to get started with this fun project, begin with the following guide. Find The Right People Organizing your own community garden can seem overwhelming at first, so it's important to gather a group of like-minded people that…
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Living Under Water Restrictions? Transform Your Garden With These Succulent Plants

It can be difficult to deal with water restrictions if you're a bit of a green thumb and don't want your beautiful plants to go to waste. Fortunately, there are plenty of succulents out there that can be quite striking and will still be able to store the water they need to survive. If you're looking for some low-maintenance plants that thrive in the dry season, here are a few succulents that will do the trick. The Christmas Cactus Known as the Christmas Cactus, this plant can be a great way to get the beautiful flowers of summer without all…
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$100 Well Spent: 5 Useful Home Upgrades That Cost Less Than $100

Whether you're trying to improve the look of your home or are getting ready to put it on the market, the idea of renovations might seem like a significant financial burden to take on. Fortunately, there are a variety of easy solutions for improving the look of your home without spending a lot of money. If you're wondering how you can spend $100 wisely, look no further than the following upgrading tips. A Funky Light Fixture It might seem like a cool light will cost an arm and a leg, but there are plenty of options available on the market…
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