Winter’s Coming: Learn How to Prepare Your Plants, Trees and Other Landscaping

From the approaching holiday season to the New Year, there are a lot of things to prepare for when it comes to the winter. It's important, though, not to forget about the needs of your lawn for the upcoming cold season. If you're wondering how to ready your trees, your plants and your yard, here are some tips for saving your vegetation until the springtime. Fertilize For Grass Growth It might seem like a waste of time to fertilize your grass going into the winter months, but this is actually the perfect time to prep it for spring. As fertilizer…
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Let’s Talk Basements: How to Finish Your Basement so It Adds Value to Your Home

Are you on the hunt for home renovations that will boost usability and value? Look no further than that unfinished basement. In this article, we'll show you how to turn that dusty cave into an amazing new living space. Note: finishing a basement isn't the easiest job. For most basements, it's a lot more than a weekend do-it-yourself project. If you're not comfortable with construction be sure to enlist the help of a professional. Step 1: Plan Everything Out The first step is to plan out how you're going to use the space. Are you going to make an office?…
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Five Unique Renovations That Can Make Small Living Spaces Feel Bigger

Just because you live in a small space doesn't mean your home needs to feel cramped. There are several renovations that are popular among interior designers to make a space feel larger. Incorporate them into your own home to give it a more open, spacious feel. 1. Crystal Clear Glass is an absolutely phenomenal way to make a small space feel larger as it removes visual barriers to show off additional square footage, making it seem as though it's part of the room. Whether you choose a glass railing for a staircases or room divider or incorporate a glass shower…
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Reduce Your Home’s Carbon Footprint With These Energy-Saving Tips

Do you believe that humans are changing the climate? As of today, the debate over carbon dioxide and climate change continues to rage. But regardless of your political standpoint, there's always a case for reducing electricity use. Because who doesn't like saving money, right? Let's explore a few ways that you can save energy while reducing your home's carbon footprint. Leverage The Power Of Automation The technology behind home automation is improving at an amazing rate. Thermostats from companies like Nest make home heating and cooling simple. They learn from your use to automatically set temperatures up and down as…
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$500 Renovations That Will Boost Your Home’s Value and Speed Up Your Sale

The idea of home renovations when you're selling your home can be unpopular because of the cost and time that can go into sprucing up a place you're about to leave behind. However, making a few simple, economical touches can go a long way to capitalizing on your home's value and making a difference in dollars. If you're curious about cheap options for an easier sale, here are a few that may make the deal a little sweeter. Kick Up The Kitchen A Notch With all of the time that a family spends in the kitchen, it's unsurprising that it…
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Dealing with Mice: Peppermint Oil, Dryer Sheets and Other Crazy Tricks to Try

There are things that everyone shares: the need for food, the search for love, and the intrusion of mice into our homes. But don't despair! There are several ways to deter and remove mice. Read on to learn about a few of the more well known, if a little out-there, methods. Peppermint Oil And Cotton Balls The smell of peppermint is lovely for humans, but terrible to a mouse's nose. Put a few drops of pure peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them where you've noticed evidence of mice. Be careful to change those balls for fresh ones at…
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