3 Budget-Friendly DIY Weekend Renovations to Step into Spring

The springtime is often the best time of the year for cleaning up and getting rid of old items, but with its proximity to the winter months it can still be hard to commit to large-scale renovations. If you're looking for some small fixes to give your home a seasonal boost, here are a few options that won't take up a lot of time. Freshen Up The Window Frames Paint can instantly enhance the brightness of any room, but deciding to repaint can be a job that takes more than just a weekend. Instead of committing to everything, paint your…
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Smart Appliances Get Smarter: Here’s What We Saw at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show

With technology advancing at a mile a minute, the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show is a great place to see what's new to the market and what will be sure to turn heads in the year to come. If you couldn't make it to the show yourself but are curious about the highlights of the event, here are some of the hottest items in technology that appeared in Las Vegas this year. Make It Molecular With A Spectrometer Designed by Consumers Physics, the SCiO is a modern, small-sized molecular sensor that can give you volumes of information about your food that…
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Dream Renovations: Upgrading Your Bathroom from ‘Regular’ to ‘In-Home Spa’

There are times you might long for the relaxed leisure of the spa experience, but with the cost of a manicure it's not always a pleasure one can afford. If your current bathroom set-up isn't the optimal place for rest and relaxation, here are some cues for how you can turn it from a bit of a problem to a consummate pleasure. Install A Vintage Vanity The look of slick steel and porcelain can certainly be classy, but if you're looking for an upscale room you'll love to spend time in, consider a vintage dresser that you can turn into…
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3 Quick Painting Tips That Will Help Take Your Walls from Tacky to Tasteful

Whether you happen to be a painting pro or you've never dared to pick up a roller, there are a few tricks of the trade that professionals use to make a paint job look its best. If you want to take an old, outdated paint job and turn it into something you can be proud of, here are a few tips from those who know best. Start With A Perfectly Smooth Surface If you're trying to rush through it, sanding might seem like an unnecessary step in re-covering your walls, but it's very important in order to level out the…
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Spring is Almost Here: Planning a Massive Spring Cleaning in Just 4 Easy Steps

It may seem like the holiday season has just passed, but it won't be too long before the flowers begin to bloom and spring peeks out from around the corner. While the tradition of spring cleaning that comes with the season may not be as common as it once was, it can actually be a great way to revive and refresh and prepare for the summer ahead. Begin With The Bedroom Start with your bed by washing all of the sheets and linens, and then move on to dusting, making sure that all of the spots missed throughout the year…
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Dealing with an Empty Nest? 5 Great Reasons to Downsize into a New Condo

There's a good chance if your children have recently moved out that your home is feeling a lot larger than it used to, and perhaps you're re-considering the extra space. If downsizing to a condo is on your mind and you're weighing the benefits of this kind of move, here are some that might make it worth the switch in size. A Little Extra Money With the additional money you should be making off the sale of your home, there's a good chance that downsizing may provide you with extra assets to sock away for retirement, travel or whatever your…
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