Top 10 Indoor Houseplants For Your Air Quality

Houseplants are great for decorating. They can brighten up any room. Plus, houseplants can increase the air quality in a room. That makes you happier, healthier and reduces stress. Speaking of stress, these plants won't create any at all. All of the plants on this list are great at producing oxygen and require very little care. 10. Heartleaf Philodendron A tough plant that's a good filter for toxins like formaldehyde, Heartleaf Philodendron makes a great houseplant. The only downside is that it's toxic to eat, so it may not be the best choice for those with kids or pets. But…
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The Basic Home Security Checklist Every Home Needs

Did you realize that only around 17 percent of the homes in the United States have a security system? Leaving your residence unprotected can come back to haunt you in the future. The longer you wait to find and fix security problems, the harder you will find it to keep your family safe. Taking the time to inspect your home is a great way to see where security problems exist. With the help of the checklist in this article, you can secure your home and keep burglars at bay. Check Your Existing Security Alarm If your home does have a…
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Make the Most Of A Small Yard Space

It's great to have a yard in this day and age, but so many new developments in the city have limited green space for you to let your imagination run wild. If you're wondering what you can do with your patch of green space or small yard, here are a few options for making it aesthetically appealing and still maximize the potential. Pick A Centerpiece In order to stretch the look of your green space, try adding a centerpiece or focal point that will draw the eye and instantly improve your yard's appeal. Whether you decide on a planter, a…
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Bold Wallpaper Makes A Statement In 2019

From a sophisticated couch to a stunning art print, there are plenty of ways that you can dress up your living room and instantly change its vibe. You may not realize it, but wallpaper is back in fashion and becoming another popular way to instantly revamp a room. If you're contemplating ways that wallpaper can benefit your space, here are some options you may want to try out. Add An Accent A brightly colored accent wall may still be a popular trend, but a way to bring your wall into current fashion can be to add wallpaper. In addition to…
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Going Tankless: Energy-Efficient Tankless Water Heaters

There are so many ways in which you can green up your home and make it more sustainable these days. Many people are considering tankless water heaters. While this can certainly be the right option depending on the space you have and the type of water you use, here are some things to consider before you decide to invest in the switch. Maximizing Your Space One of the biggest issues with a traditional water heater is the amount of space it takes up, whether it's a side closet or a closed-off area in the basement. Fortunately, one of the benefits…
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The Humble Vegetable Garden: A Fun, Health-conscious Home Project for the Entire Family

Whether you are hunting for a project that will pry the kids away from their phones or you just want a head start on the spring, few home projects are as rewarding as a vegetable garden. Invest a few hours in planting today, some maintenance throughout the year and soon you'll be enjoying some delicious, home-grown veggies. Ready? Let's get started! Selecting The Right Spot For Your Garden The first decision you will need to make is where your garden will live. If you are new to gardening, you can start with a small patch of land in the corner…
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