4 Websites to Help You Evaluate the Safety of Your Future Neighborhood

When you're just moving into a neighborhood, it can be hard to know exactly what you're getting into. Certainly, you can see the sights for yourself and read about your new community online, but there are still things that may not be readily available. If you're looking for the cold, hard facts on the safety of your neighborhood, look no further than the following websites for the things you'll want to know. Situation Alerts on SpotCrime By simply typing your street address in at SpotCrime, you will get an instant report of all the criminal goings-on in your community from…
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Understanding Real Estate Contracts and What You Can Expect to Find

There are a lot of things that go into the successful sale of your home, but many people are unfamiliar with the intricacies of the contract. Whether you consult with your real estate agent or plan on diving in on your own, it's important to be clear on the terms. If you're wondering what you can expect when it comes to the contract, here are some pointers on what to watch out for. Real Estate Jargon A real estate contract would not be complete without the professional terminology, so you'll see words like amortization, price-to-income ratio and title that may…
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5 Major Red Flags to Watch for When You’re Touring an Open House

An open house is one of the best opportunities a potential homeowner will have to take stock of a home and determine if it will work for them. However, it can also be a good opportunity to discover some glaring red flags that might make it a less worthwhile investment. If you're currently perusing the open houses in your neighborhood, here's some things you should make sure to watch out for. A Selling Hot-Spot It's well and good if you love the home you visit, but 'location, location, location' is a popular phrase for a reason. If you've noticed a…
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Buying a New Home? Use This Checklist to Ensure Your Finances Are in Order

Buying a home is a significant expense. It doesn't matter whether you're a first-time buyer or have experience. Unless you have a large pile of cash, you'll need to ensure your finances are in order before closing. In this post we'll explore four financial items you'll want to check off before buying a new home. Figure Out Your Current Monthly Budget First, you're going to want to sort out your monthly budget. If you've never done a budget before, start with something basic. Open up a spreadsheet or take out a piece of paper. Make two columns: 'income' and 'expenses'.…
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3 Key Reasons Why Buying Your First Home Is Like Planning a Wedding

You may not see the connection right away, but buying a home and planning a wedding are two experiences that require certain skills and challenge you in similar ways. Check out the three key similarities below! 1. Budget Whether you're buying your first home or planning a wedding, you are likely facing one of the biggest financial obligations of your life. That's why, in both cases, it is essential that you pick a realistic budget and stay within it. Sounds simple, but in either case it can be difficult! Unexpected obstacles may force you to spend more than you planned,…
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Buying a Home This Autumn? 4 Unconventional Ways to Save up for Your Down Payment

Autumn is a popular time for new home buyers to start looking for their first house or condo. But with that down payment looming, everybody could use a bit of help saving up to make that bulk payment a little less intimidating. There are plenty of unconventional ways to save up that may seem small, but will quickly add up and put a dent into that down payment. Create A High Interest Savings Account Talk to the bank about creating a secondary savings account with a higher interest rate. These super savings accounts usually come with the caveat that no…
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