3 Things to Consider Before Buying a Vacation Home Abroad

The call of fancy vacation locations and the additional earnings that can come along with this type of home may appeal to many homebuyers, but a lot of time and money can go into maintaining a second property. If you're currently considering a vacation home for your own use or as a potential investment, here are a few factors to consider before jumping into the fray of a long distance home. Will You Use It Enough? A home in a far-off place can be a great means of having a place to visit each year, but one of the problems…
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3 Tips for Planning Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

Once you've purchased a home and decided on a move in date, it may seem like a lot of the hard stuff is over, but you still have one of the most important things relating to such a large purchase to think about: the payments! If you're looking for a few tips on ways to approach your monthly payment, the following will steer you in the right direction so you can broach your mortgage schedule successfully. Set Up A Payment Schedule Many people have been in the situation of neglecting their phone or credit cards by forgetting about the payment…
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Ready to Be a Landlord? Important Considerations Before Renting Your Home

Whether you're going away on an extended vacation or considering downsizing into a smaller place, the popularity of websites like Airbnb has led many people to believe that there's a lot of money in home rental. However, before putting your home on the market, it's important to be aware of some of the factors that go into having a rental property. It may seem like extra money, but it's the small details that can make it a more complicated process. Is It A Short Term Solution Many people plan on putting their home on the market for a short duration…
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Mortgage Fraud: 3 Common Scams to Avoid

There are many ins and outs involved in securing a mortgage lender, and as a result there are many offers and options out there which are only around to take advantage of prospective homebuyers. If you're on the lookout for a home and are trying to wade through all the details successfully, here are some things you may want to be aware of. The Perfect Rental Deal If you've ever rented an apartment in the past, it's entirely possible that you've run into deals on Craigslist where a sizeable, stunning property is advertised at a very modest price. While scams…
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The Pros and Cons of Buying a Second Home to Rent

With the ever-fluctuating cost of housing, buying real estate can be one of the best investments a person can make. However, a lot of important factors can be left out of the final decision when it comes to purchasing a home as rental property. If you are taking the initial steps to invest in a second home, here are some important things to consider before you make the financial commitment. The Distance To A Destination Many people who purchase second homes to rent out choose to buy in places that are sought after, whether it's a trendy area or beachfront…
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Boomerang Home Buyers: 4 Things to Consider Before Stepping Back into Homeownership

Whether you've gone back to renting for the sake of money saving or recently downsized to a more compact space, the idea of owning a home can be a big responsibility that may require more than you're willing to give. If you're considering jumping back into the fold of home ownership, here are a few things to contemplate before re-entering the market. Is It Affordable? Many people avoid home ownership for a long time because of the high cost of a down payments and the associated property taxes and maintenance fees, but it can be easy to forget these extras…
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