Can’t Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage? Here Are Three Tips to Try to Get a Mortgage Approval

Few people in the world can afford to pay the entire cost of a new home upfront, which is why banks and other financial institutions offer home loans. Also known as mortgages, those loans let you make monthly payments to pay off the money you borrow and the interest charged on that loan. If you can't get approved for a mortgage, try using a few easy tips. Improve Your Credit Score When you apply for a home loan, the lender looks at your credit history and credit score first. Your credit history contains a long list of all the money…
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Mortgage Terms 101: Understanding ‘Cash-Out Refinancing’ and How to Determine if It’s Worth It

With interest rates remaining near historic lows for the past several years, many of your friends and neighbors may have already told you that they have refinanced their home mortgages once or even a couple of times. A cash-out refinance can provide you with several important benefits, but it is not the best option for all homeowners. By learning more about what a cash-out refinance is and what the pros and cons of this type of refinance loan are, you can make a decision that is best for your current and future plans. What Is a Cash-Out Refinance? When you…
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Five Tips for Managing Your Monthly Budget to Ensure Your Mortgage is Paid On-Time, Every Time

Homeowners who are struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments can make it easier on themselves by cutting costs in other areas. Learning how to budget effectively will likely enable homeowners to pay their mortgage payments on-time, every time. Here are five of the best budget tips: Conserve Energy It is advisable to be mindful of energy use in order to keep utility bills down to a minimum. Lights, televisions and other devices requiring electrical power are best to leave off in unoccupied rooms. It is also a good idea to make sure that windows and doors are properly sealed…
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Is a 40-Year Mortgage Worth It? How to Decide Whether or Not This Longer Term is Right for You

There are different timetables for mortgages. The most common types are 15-year and 30-year mortgages. However, a mortgage broker can establish unique timetables for a homeowner, such as a 40-year mortgage. Friends may recommend going for a long-term timetable, but what do professionals think of a 40-year mortgage? Here is what you may want to consider to see if a 40-year mortgage is appropriate for you. The Monthly Rates Will Be Low Compared to a 15-year or a 30-year mortgage, the monthly payments for a 40-year mortgage will be lower. Since the mortgage is spread over 10 years beyond a…
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Can One Missed Mortgage Payment Affect Your Credit Rating? Yes! Here’s What to Do if You Miss One

Most people don't know whether or not a single missed mortgage payment can have serious consequences for their credit score. The good news is that there are things that can be done to mitigate the damage and help anyone who has missed a payment repair their credit. What are some options to help homeowners get back in the good graces of their creditors? Own Up To The Mistake The best thing to do is to admit that the payment was missed and immediately make amends for it. For the most part, mortgage lenders are sympathetic to the fact that people…
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Is Now the Time to Consider a 15-Year Mortgage? Five Reasons to Give the 15Y Another Look

A 15-year fixed mortgage is, as its name suggests, a mortgage that's paid off after 15 years. Since it amortizes fully, after that amount of time you won't have to pay anything else. This type of mortgage has a lot of benefits, and below we'll share just a few of them. 1) No Need For Payments After Retirement Here it highly depends on when in life you choose to take on the mortgage. However, most people decide to take on a mortgage at around 30 years of age. If this is the case for you, then it means you'll be…
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