Closing Costs: Understanding What It Costs to Close on a Home and What You Can Expect to Pay

If you're in the process of buying a new home, you've likely heard the term "closing costs" in regards to the many different fees and taxes that you'll be required to pay during the purchase process. In this post we'll look at a number of these closing costs and what you will be expected to pay when you buy that next dream home. Taking out a Mortgage? There Will Be Fees Attached If you're taking out a mortgage to finance the cost of buying your home you'll end up incurring a variety of fees. Nearly all lenders will charge a…
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Five Small Signs That Can Indicate Much Bigger Problems with a Home

It's not uncommon for home buyers to recount horror stories about properties that appeared to be fine at first glance, but were actually hiding very expensive problems. If you fail to do your due diligence, you might find your dream house turning into a nightmare. The next time you walk through a house, pay attention for these five signs that the property might be hiding a unfortunate secret or two. Mold, Water Spots and Water Damage Older and newer homes alike may develop a leaky pipe or another similar plumbing issue from time to time, but any type of water…
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Considering a Vacation Home? Six Tips for Buying a House or Condo for Relaxation and Vacation Use

If you've just returned from the vacation of a lifetime, you probably wish that wonderful time never had to end. When you buy a vacation home or condo, you can guarantee that you have an escape that will provide you with years of enjoyment. Before you take the plunge, though, take advantage of these six helpful tips about buying a vacation home. Choose Someplace Versatile When buying a vacation home, it's all about getting the most out of your investment. Consider choosing a place that you can enjoy throughout the year. Your ideal vacation home will be a haven in…
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Home Buying Tips: Three Items to Watch out for in a Purchase Agreement Contract

The purchase agreement is a vitally important document that outlines the provisions, terms and conditions for the transfer of property. It should be read carefully and any ambiguities should be clarified prior to signing. It is a legally binding contract between the buyer and seller. The purchase agreement may vary depending on the location. Most real estate agents use a form that has been approved by a state realtors association. The seller may have a different version that was drawn up by an attorney. It should not be assumed that they are all the same. Typically, the purchase agreement will…
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Lowballing 101: How to Avoid Insulting a Home Seller when Making a Low Offer for Their House or Condo

Buying a home is a huge step for people who are ready to make an investment in their future. Getting a great deal on a home is just as important and knowing how much to offer could be confusing. It is important to make sure the home seller is not insulted by the lowball offer and is ready to negotiate to make sure everyone wins. Make a List of Necessary Improvements One of the best ways to validate a lowball offer on a home is to list improvements that need to be made to the property. If the home needs…
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Experiencing ‘Purchase Anxiety’? How to Calm Your Nerves Before Committing to Buy a New Home

Whether this is your first big purchase, or your family is moving to a new location or looking for more space, buying a home has its share of ups and downs. It's perfectly normal to feel anxious about whether or not you've found the right property. Here are some things you can do to make yourself feel more secure with your decision. Do The Math You've probably already done this, but it's okay to go over it a number of times to be sure. Factor in your household income and all the bills you expect to pay every month. Add…
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