DIY Lovers: ‘Greenify’ Your Home with These Three Eco-friendly Home Improvement Projects

Are you a homeowner who is searching for ways to make your home a bit more eco-friendly? Equipping your home with "green" improvements can save a substantial amount of energy and money, especially over the long term. In today's post we'll explore a few projects that handy do-it-yourselfers can undertake in order to make a home a bit friendlier to the local environment. #1: Focus on the Windows Depending upon the time of year, windows have an impact on both heating and cooling costs. In the summer, older windows can drastically heat up a home causing cooling costs to skyrocket.…
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Homeowner’s Insurance: What’s Covered, What Isn’t and Why You Might Need It

Homeowner's insurance is an incredibly valuable and beneficial policy for homeowners to have, but it is necessary to understand what traditional policies do and do not cover. Once you familiarize yourself with the intricacies of various plans you will be better educated to make the proper decision when selecting your desired level of coverage. What's Covered In Homeowner's Insurance? The majority of homeowner's insurance plans will cover dwelling and other structure protection, personal property protection, natural disaster protection, and bodily injury liability protection. Dwelling and other structure protection plans cover damage to your home and other structures that are directly…
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Three Subtle Painting Tricks That Will Make Your Home Look Amazing

When it comes to painting the walls of a house, sometimes subtle is best. You want to add design, color, and texture to the walls, but you don't want it jarring to the eyes. Here are three subtle painting techniques you can try on your home walls. Tissue Paper Texture One easy way to add texture to walls is to use tissue paper. You apply the tissue paper to the walls and it stays there until you want something new. Crumple up a piece of tissue paper into a tight ball and then open it up and smooth it out.…
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Tankless Water Heaters: The Pros and Cons of Going Tankless In Your Home

Large water heaters are unsightly appliances that home-sellers would rather hide. Although it's not always possible to banish these structures, it is possible to replace them with a version that is not as overbearing. Tankless water heaters have the potential to make one home stand out amongst the competition, but they do have some disadvantages along with the benefits. Pro: Tankless Water Heaters Use Less Energy Traditional water heaters continuously heat water that is just sitting in the tank, and this requires energy. Tankless water heaters, on the other hand, do not heat the water until someone needs it. Therefore,…
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Let There Be Light! 3 Easy Ways to Make over a Room by Adding New Light Fixtures

Light is an important design element that can be used to influence your interior decor in a number of ways. In fact, you can experience a major transformative change on the overall style and ambiance of a room by making a few simple lighting changes. Consider how these ideas can help you to improve the look of your space with great results, and think about ways that you can improve your space by making a few changes. The Addition of Spotlights If you have fine pieces of artwork, decorative display areas or other features that you want to illustrate with…
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A Quick Guide to Assessing Your Home’s Foundation for Cracks – And What to Do if You Find Them

When purchasing a home, there are a number of considerations that need to be taken into account. One of those considerations is the foundation of the home. No matter how perfect or suitable a property looks, taking the time to properly inspect the property for foundation problems can save you thousands of dollars in repairs later on. While foundation cracks are usually present in older homes, that does not mean that newer and even brand new homes are not susceptible to them. When choosing a property, the following tips can help homebuyers find signs of foundation problems and take the…
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