Looking Ahead in 2016: Mortgage Trends That May Affect You

The housing market is in a constant state of flux, and with the changing shape of real estate there will most definitely be notable trends to watch out for in the next year. Whether you're approaching the market with caution or are ready to dive in without worry, here are some things to watch out for in 2016. A Slow Growth Outlook One of the most worrisome impacts of a slowed economic outlook is how it can affect people's monthly payments, and this is slated to be a significant concern over the next few years. With the possibility for lowered…
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Everything You Need to Know About Fannie Mae’s New Home Ready Mortgage

Traditionally, getting a mortgage requires you to have a level of income appropriate to the size of home that you're buying. But for a lot of low-income and minority borrowers, a simple measure of one person's income isn't an accurate measure of whether or not that person can afford a home. Now, with the Home Ready mortgage from Fannie Mae, multigenerational and extended households can have easy access to mortgage funds. How does the Home Ready mortgage work? Here's what you need to know. Flexible Down Payment Requirements Make Home Ownership More Accessible Traditional mortgages require you to pay 20%…
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Struggling to Get Approved Because of Your Income? 5 Reasons to Consider a FHA Loan

Buying a home isn't cheap. But if you're determined to become a homeowner, the FHA home loan program can help. This loan program, ideal for first-time buyers with low incomes, can help you to build your credit and make home ownership a reality. So why should you consider an FHA loan? Here are just a few ways you'll benefit from these government-backed mortgages. You Can Get Approved With Just 3.5% Down Traditional mortgage lenders typically require you to pay 20% down on your mortgage, or 5% if you have good credit and agree to pay mortgage insurance premiums. But for…
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A Guide to Financing Home Improvements and How Mortgage Refinancing Can Help

If you're planning to remodel or renovate your home in the near future - whether to provide a better living environment or as part of a house flip - you'll need to find a way to pay for your home improvements. There are several different possible sources of renovation money, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. One option that is gaining popularity is mortgage refinancing. How does mortgage refinancing work, and how does it compare to other renovation financing options? How can you use a mortgage refinance to get the most out of your renovation? Here's what you need…
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The Do’s and Don’ts of Getting Approved for a Mortgage Quickly

If you're ready to buy a home, getting approved for a mortgage is a critical step that you can't skip or rush. And although it may seem like the lenders can be a bit arbitrary in their approvals, there's actually a detailed set of criteria they look for when approving or denying an application. So how can you ensure your mortgage gets approved quickly and without any hassles? Here's what you need to know. Do: Have All Your Documents In Order Right Away Processing the paperwork on a mortgage approval is one of the most time-consuming parts of getting a…
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Owning vs Renting: Why High Rents Are Worse Than a Mortgage over the Long Term

If you're at the stage in life where home ownership is nearly within your reach, you're probably wondering whether you should start looking for a home or whether you should just keep renting. Renting is easier, people say, and it gives you more mobility. But over the long term, all that rent money can really add up - and it eventually reaches a point where buying a home is a better deal. So why is paying a high rent a worse option than buying a house and getting a mortgage? Here's what you need to know. Renting Doesn't Generate Equity…
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