Case-Shiller Report Shows Home Prices Rose in January

Home prices were 5.70 percent higher year-over-year in January according to S&P Case-Shiller's 20-City Home Price Index. Top year-over-year gains were posted by Portland, Oregon at 11.80 percent, San Francisco, California at 10.80 percent and Seattle Washington posted a year-over-year gain of 10.70 percent. Denver, Colorado, which had top gains in recent months, posted year-over-year home price growth of 10.20 percent. Lowest year over-year gains for January were posted by Chicago, Illinois at 2.10 percent, Washington, D.C at 2.20 percent and New York, New York at 2.80 percent. Average home prices remained about 12 percent below their summer 2006 peak,…
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December Home Prices Rise According To S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index

Home prices rose slightly in December according to S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices released Tuesday. According to the S&P Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index, which covers cities representing all nine US Census divisions, home prices rose 5.40 percent year-over-year in December as compared to November's reading of 5.20 percent. December's year-over-year home price increases were led by Portland Oregon at 11.40 percent, San Francisco, California at 10.30 percent and Denver, Colorado with a year-over-year reading of 10.20 percent. 10 cities reported higher home prices while eight cities reported lower home prices and year-over-year home prices were unchanged for two cities.…
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Case-Shiller Home Prices: San Francisco, Denver see Double-Digit Increases

San Francisco, California where home prices rose 10.30 percent year over year in March, and Denver, Colorado with an even 10 percent gain in year-over-year home prices led the Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Index for March. Rounding out the top-five cities for year-over-year home price growth were Dallas Texas at 9.30 percent, Miami, Florida at 8.70 percent and Tampa, Florida with a year-over-year average gain in home prices at 8.10 percent. San Francisco's reading for March was the first double-digit increase in home prices since last July. The five lowest year-over-year price gains occurred in Washington, D.C. and Cleveland, Ohio tied…
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Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Slower in November

Case-Shiller Home Price Index reports for November indicate that home price growth continues to slow. The 20-City Home Price Index dropped by 0.20 percent to November's reading of 4.30 percent year-over-year.  The five cities with highest year-over-year home price growth rates in November were: San Francisco, California 8.90% Miami, Florida 8.60% Las Vegas, Nevada and Dallas, Texas 7.70% Denver, Colorado 7.50% The five cities with the lowest year-over-year growth in home prices were: Cleveland, Ohio 0.60% Washington, DC 1.90% New York, New York and Minneapolis, Minnesota 1.50% Chicago, Illinois 2.00% There were no instances of year-over-year depreciation in home prices…
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Case-Shiller Home Prices: Price Growth Slows in September

According to the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index, annual home price growth slipped to a seasonally-adjusted rate of 4.80 percent in September. This was 0.30 percent lower than August's year-over-year reading of 5.10 percent. Cities posting the highest year-over-year gains in home prices were Miami, Florida 10.30 percent, Las Vegas, NV with a gain of 9.10 percent, San Francisco, California posted a gain of 7.90 percent, Dallas home prices gained 7.40 percent and home prices increased by 6.70 percent in Portland, Oregon. David M. Blitzer, chairman of the S&P Dow Jones Index Committee, said that Florida and the Southeastern region…
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The 7 Most Unaffordable Cities for Real Estate in the USA (And 3 Affordable Gems!)

As prices continue to rise across the board with everything from food to gas, it's no wonder that real estate prices are high in many cities across the USA. While this is the case for a large number of cities, there are also certain areas in which prices are decidedly low. Here's a small look at the most affordable and unaffordable cities within America. The Seven Most Unaffordable Cities Oakland, CA - Though Los Angeles and San Francisco are 2 California cities that may first come to mind, Oakland is also highly expensive when it comes to real estate, with…
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