Finding Your Latte Factor: 3 Ways to Find the Money to Make Extra Mortgage Payments

It's not uncommon for a homeowner to want to pay more than the minimum monthly mortgage payment on their home. However, just because it can seem hard to come up with the funds on a monthly basis doesn't mean it's not possible to find the money for extra mortgage payments each year. If you're wondering how you can pay down your mortgage debt much sooner with extra money, here are some tricks you may want to try. Relinquish Your Refund Many people look forward to tax time because it's an opportunity to spend their refund on shopping, dining or a much-needed…
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Recently Lost Your Job? 3 Tips for Managing Your Mortgage When You’re Out of Work

The financial responsibility of a monthly mortgage payment can be stressful on its own, but you may be even more concerned about your home investment if you've recently lost your job. Fortunately, there are some things you can do and places you can turn if you're not yet certain where your next paycheck will come from. If you're struggling with newfound unemployment, here are some important steps to take. Shake The Piggy Bank Most people struggle to save and that means they don't necessarily want to dip into savings when it comes to financial difficulties. Unfortunately, if a job does…
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Budgeting 101: How to Plan Your Budget Around Your Monthly Mortgage Payments

If you've decided to invest in a home, you might be wondering how to make all of the expenses work. From the groceries to your mode of transportation, all of those little things can quickly add up. Fortunately, it's easy enough to ensure you have the money each month by carefully calculating your expenses and ensuring there's a little wiggle room in case of leaner times. Here are the details on how to begin with your mortgage budgeting plan. Calculate Your Monthly Payment Whether you've just purchased a home or are trying to determine if your dream home is right…
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Pay down Your Mortgage Faster by Eliminating These Five Unnecessary Household Expenses

The monthly mortgage payment can be one of the most significant household expenditures for a family. However, while it can be a sizable amount, there are certain household things you may be able to eliminate that will help you put down more money and pay your mortgage off a little faster. If you're interested in ways to save, here are some expenses you may want to consider cutting out. Giving Up The Cable Television is an important de-stressor for many people, but it can also be a considerable monthly expense that is often unnecessary. With borrowing materials available at the…
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Recent College Grad? Learn How to Successfully Juggle Student Loans and a New Mortgage

If you recently graduated from college and are about to become a homeowner, you're in a somewhat unique position. You're about to embark on a great journey, but at the same time, you're also taking on an awful lot of debt. That said, it is possible to successfully manage a high debt load if you're careful. So how can you make sure you can pay your mortgage, your student loans, and your mortgage expenses – all without losing your mind? Here's what you need to know. Make Sure You Have An Emergency Fund Managing a high debt load isn't necessarily…
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How to Give the Ultimate Christmas Gift: Paying Off a Family Member’s Mortgage

Christmas is just around the corner, and if you're in a position to do it, paying off a family member's mortgage is one of the biggest gifts you could give this holiday season. A mortgage can be a heavy burden on a young homeowner, which is why paying it off is the ultimate act of charity. But when it comes to paying for someone else's mortgage, the process isn't entirely straightforward. So how do you pay off a family member's mortgage? Here's what you need to know. Be Wary Of The Gift Tax Under US law, you can provide a…
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