Family Matters: The Pros and Cons of Selling Your Home to a Family Member

It can be a stressful experience to put your home on the market and wait for offers in the hope that you've priced it right. However, for those who are considering selling to family members, the sale of a home can be fraught with just as much stress before and after sealing the deal. If you're wondering if it's a good idea to sell to a family member, here are some things to consider beforehand. Providing A Discount Whether you're selling to a sibling or a child, you may be considering offering the home at a discount to help them…
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One-stop Shopping: The Quick and Easy Guide to Buying a Home the First Time You See It

Most people peruse the real estate market for a while before they bite down and decide to invest in a home. However, whether you're in a rush or you think you've found the ideal place, it's possible you may be ready to put in an offer on the first visit. If you're trying to determine how you can get the home you're looking for the first time around, here are a few things to be aware of when going in. Are There Any Maintenance Issues? If you're planning on putting in an offer right away, it's imperative to take a…
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Seller’s Remorse: How to Move on From Your Old Home Once You’ve Sold It

There's often so much enthusiasm that goes along with buying a home that the idea of leaving the old one behind is left in the dust. But, while you may love both your old home and your new home, it can be difficult to leave what's old behind. If you're struggling with adjusting to your new dwelling place, here are some tips for how to make it feel like it's where you belong. Purchase A New Piece In all likelihood, you'll be moving a lot of your old furniture into your new home, which means it will have all of…
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3 ‘Hidden’ Costs You’ll Uncover Buying Your First Home – and How to Plan for Them

Are you about to become a first-time home buyer? If so, there's a lot to get excited about. You'll soon be a home owner, able to customize and improve your living space as you see fit. Of course, buying a home is an investment unlike any other. To get the best deal on your home, you'll need to be diligent. Let's have a look at some of the hidden costs you may uncover when buying your first home. #1: The Home Inspection (And What It Finds) A major step before buying any home is the inspection. A licensed inspector will…
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Did You Know: Single Women Are Buying Homes Faster Than Single Men — Here’s Why

With low interest rates and uncertainty as to where the real estate market will be in the next six months, many people are opting into ownership and investing in a home. Interestingly, according to the National Association of Realtors, approximately 17 percent of homebuyers in the United States last year were women, which is a much higher percentage than the 7 percent of single men who invested in a home. While the statistics may be interesting enough on their own, here are some of the reasons why women may be opting in. Single Parent Security The numbers don't lie, and…
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Suffering in a ‘Low Inventory’ Real Estate Market? 3 Helpful Tips for Finding a Home to Buy

Many homebuyers struggle with finding a home that is within their price range, but many of those perusing the market also struggle when it comes to the search. If you're currently in the real estate market and are having difficulty finding a good selection of homes, here are some ways to expand your search so you can find an opportunity you're prepared to invest in. Look Over The Old Listings Whether you do it on your own or enlist the help of your real estate agent, it's worth looking through the old listings to determine if any old opportunities are…
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