What Types of Coverage Are Included in Standard Home Insurance Policies? Let’s Take a Look

Every insurance policy is different and can provide certain levels of protection tailored towards the needs of the policy holder. However, there are some standard types of coverage that are included in most basic home insurance policies. Basic Levels Of Protection Most homeowner insurance policies will include some basic levels of protection and coverage. The main dwelling will be protected from many forms of damage and the insurance company will pay to repair the damaged dwelling. This will extend to other smaller structures on the property, like sheds and separate garages, but the level of coverage will differ. Damage is…
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Feeling the Squeeze of Rising Rents? Here Are 3 Reasons You Should Consider Buying a Starter Home

With real estate becoming more affordable, new homes being sold in a range of prices and the cost of rent going up, there has never been a better time to consider buying a starter home. Put That Rent Money Into Your Own Property People who live in areas that have become trendy know the pain of rising rent rates. At what point is the amount of money being spent on rent more advantageous to put into a new home? Starter homes are not the crazy investment they used to be. With the increase in condo developments and the lower entry…
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Growing Your Wealth: 3 Reasons Why Real Estate Is the Ultimate Long-Term Investment

While many people may be hesitant to consider real estate as a viable long-term investment, owning property has a steady historical track record and isn't as volatile as other investment markets can be. Any investor who hasn't seriously considered it as an option should take a closer look at the benefits of owning real estate and why it is the ultimate long-term investment strategy. It Becomes A Consistent Source Of Income Investing in rental property has the added benefit of being able to show regular returns in the form of rental income. Unlike other long-term investments that require a level…
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Buying for Retirement: 3 Reasons Why You’ll Want to Buy Your Retirement Home Before You Retire

Many people dream of buying their ideal retirement home after their career has come to a conclusion - with all that extra free time it seems like it'd be the most logical time to shop around. However, many real estate professionals strongly recommend that their clients find a retirement property before they're off the payroll. While it may seem like a big time commitment to find a new home while you're still busy with your work there are several significant financial benefits to purchasing your retirement home before you actually do retire. Here are our top reasons why. It Makes…
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3 Things You Must Do after Inheriting a Home

There can be a lot of excitement when it comes to the realization that you've inherited a home, but simply because it's an inheritance doesn't mean there aren't a few strings attached. Whether you're expecting to be gifted with a home in the future or you're currently going through this process, here are a few things you may need to watch out for. The State Of The Mortgage Once a home has been effectively handed over to you, it's important to determine the status of the mortgage with the lender and if anything is still owed. While you have the…
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3 Money-Smart Reasons To Downsize Your Home

Living big isn't necessarily living better. Apartment buildings, townhouses and multiplexes have become the new normal for increasing numbers of individuals, couples and families. It's clear that for many people, smaller spaces are smarter, too. This attitude is more than just a trend. According to TIME Magazine, multi-family dwellings like condominiums accounted for 40% of new construction in the United States in 2014 and the movement shows few signs of slowing down. The change isn't surprising when considering the benefits to moving, especially when it comes to sheer cost-savings. Whether residents are spending less cash or conserving their valuable time…
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