Reduce Your Home’s Carbon Footprint With These Energy-Saving Tips

Do you believe that humans are changing the climate? As of today, the debate over carbon dioxide and climate change continues to rage. But regardless of your political standpoint, there's always a case for reducing electricity use. Because who doesn't like saving money, right? Let's explore a few ways that you can save energy while reducing your home's carbon footprint. Leverage The Power Of Automation The technology behind home automation is improving at an amazing rate. Thermostats from companies like Nest make home heating and cooling simple. They learn from your use to automatically set temperatures up and down as…
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$500 Renovations That Will Boost Your Home’s Value and Speed Up Your Sale

The idea of home renovations when you're selling your home can be unpopular because of the cost and time that can go into sprucing up a place you're about to leave behind. However, making a few simple, economical touches can go a long way to capitalizing on your home's value and making a difference in dollars. If you're curious about cheap options for an easier sale, here are a few that may make the deal a little sweeter. Kick Up The Kitchen A Notch With all of the time that a family spends in the kitchen, it's unsurprising that it…
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Buying a Solar-Powered Home? Watch Out for These Symptoms of Future Problems

Solar-powered homes are becoming more commonplace, and are an excellent step in the right ecological direction. That said, there are some aspects to consider if you're thinking about investing in solar energy. Read on for some salient points about living by the sun. The Sun And The Economy As solar power has grown in popularity, the government has introduced incentives to help homeowners combat the once-high costs of purchasing and installing solar panels. And companies are springing up to rent you panels and cover the cost of installation. This means that your initial costs are smaller, but also that those…
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Thinking about a ‘Fixer Upper’? Understanding the Balance Between Purchase and Reno Costs

Fixer uppers can come with huge price benefits and opportunity, as well as problems. Make sure you understand what you're getting yourself into before you purchase a home that needs significant restoration. Carefully Calculate Do the math very carefully before jumping in. Add up the expected renovation costs based on a thorough evaluation of the property. As some of the expected costs will lie within a grey area, it is important that you base your estimation on the higher end of the price range. Be sure to account for all materials and labor. Once you have calculated your expected renovation…
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A Quick and Easy Guide to Hiring the Best Contractor for Your Pre-Sale Home Renovations

If you're planning to complete some renovations on your home before putting it on the market, you may be unsure of the best way to go about finding the right contractor for the job. While there are probably many contractors available who can do your renovations right, here's how you can get to the bottom of who will work the best for you. Make A Few Phone Calls Once you've done some research and determined a short list of prospective contractors, you'll want to call each contractor to determine that they can complete your project in good time and are…
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Working from Home? Learn How to Create the Perfect Office with Any Spare Room

With the increasing flexibility of the modern workplace, there are many more businesses offering their employees the opportunity to work from home. While this shift in the job market has created a bevy of new options for freelance workers, it can also be a good reason to turn a spare room into a spanking new office. If you're working from home, here are some tips for a stylish transition. Prime It With Paint Outside of lighting, the color and upkeep of the walls is going to have a huge impact on the way your spare office will look. Before even…
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