Winter’s Coming: Learn How to Prepare Your Plants, Trees and Other Landscaping

From the approaching holiday season to the New Year, there are a lot of things to prepare for when it comes to the winter. It's important, though, not to forget about the needs of your lawn for the upcoming cold season. If you're wondering how to ready your trees, your plants and your yard, here are some tips for saving your vegetation until the springtime. Fertilize For Grass Growth It might seem like a waste of time to fertilize your grass going into the winter months, but this is actually the perfect time to prep it for spring. As fertilizer…
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Renovating on a Budget? Check Out These Equity-boosting Inexpensive Home Upgrades

The idea of embarking on home renovations may strike many homeowners as an expensive one, but there are plenty of ways that you can easily upgrade your home without spending a lot of money. If you're looking for improvements that will truly (and frugally) improve the value of your home, here are a few do-it-yourself options you may want to consider. Change The Lighting There are few small fixes that will improve the look of your home like lighting, so one of the best things you can do for the overall look of your house is change out some of…
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Greenify Your Home with Our Guide to Conducting a DIY Energy Audit

The idea of conducting an energy audit on your home might seem like something complicated that should be left to the experts, but there are ways for you to make your home a little greener without consulting anybody. Instead of having someone else do the work, here are a few simple ways for you to inspect your home and green up its energy use. Do A Candle Test Of Exterior Walls Since cold air coming in from outside your home can impact your energy use significantly, do the simple test of taking a candle on a tour of your home…
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Looking for an Eco-friendly Upgrade? Try These Easy Ways to Save Water Around the Home

With the impact we have on our environment becoming a matter of greater concern, it's becoming more important for the average citizen to know they're doing their part. While there are many simple tricks for saving water that will make you feel better about your environmental footprint, here are a few easy upgrades that will make that saving a little more automatic. Consider a Cistern Device With outhouses a thing of the past, flushing the toilet has become one of the ways in which household water is being overused the most, but flushing less simply isn't a viable option. Instead…
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Let’s Talk Hardwood: Why Converting Your Home to Hardwood Flooring Will Boost Its Value

When a homeowner makes the decision to upgrade flooring in one area of the home or throughout the entire space, there are numerous materials that may be considered. While each material option has its unique benefits and advantages, many are drawn to hardwood flooring as an option. This is a material that has the potential to boost home value, and a closer look at its benefits will reveal why this is the case. A Durable, Long-Lasting Material With many flooring options, homeowners understand that the material will need to be replaced or upgraded over the years. With hardwood flooring, the…
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Have a Weekend to Spare? Consider These Quick Renovations to Add Value to Your Home

Homeowners who are thinking about listing their home for sale in the coming weeks or months may be focused on improving their home to help it sell more quickly, but there also may be a focus on adding value to the home in the process. While each home is unique, there are a few projects that most homeowners would benefit from. In fact, these are a few simple and easy projects that can typically be completed over the course of a weekend; that can add value and desirability to the home. Replace The Front Door The front door has an…
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