Looking for a Fun DIY Project This Spring? How to Plant Your Own Vegetable Garden

When spring arrives, many people want to spend more time outdoors enjoying the fresh air and warmer temperatures. While you could lounge in a chair with a good book, you may find it more enjoyable to plant your own vegetable garden. This is an on-going project that will require you to spend time outdoors regularly, and it can be quite enjoyable to watch the fruits of your labor spring to life. More than that, you may love to sample and even share the tasty treats that you have grown on your own. If you are ready to get started planning…
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Working from Home? Learn How to Create the Perfect Office with Any Spare Room

With the increasing flexibility of the modern workplace, there are many more businesses offering their employees the opportunity to work from home. While this shift in the job market has created many new options for freelance workers, it can also be a good reason to turn a spare room into a spanking new office. If you're working from home, here are some tips for a stylish transition. Prime It With Paint Outside of lighting, the color and upkeep of the walls is going to have a huge impact on the way your spare office will look. Before even considering placing…
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Three Inexpensive Makeovers That Will Boost Your Home’s Appeal to Young Buyers

When preparing to list your home for sale, you may be wondering who will buy your home. While this initial thought may be one spurred by curiosity, the fact is that understanding who your target audience is and what they are looking for in a home may help you to position your home to sell more quickly and for a better price. If you have determined that there are many younger buyers moving into your area, you may want to make a few changes that will add appeal to this target audience. While you could spend tens of thousands of…
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DIY Lovers: ‘Greenify’ Your Home with These Three Eco-friendly Home Improvement Projects

Are you a homeowner who is searching for ways to make your home a bit more eco-friendly? Equipping your home with "green" improvements can save a substantial amount of energy and money, especially over the long term. In today's post we'll explore a few projects that handy do-it-yourselfers can undertake in order to make a home a bit friendlier to the local environment. #1: Focus on the Windows Depending upon the time of year, windows have an impact on both heating and cooling costs. In the summer, older windows can drastically heat up a home causing cooling costs to skyrocket.…
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Let There Be Light! 3 Easy Ways to Make over a Room by Adding New Light Fixtures

Light is an important design element that can be used to influence your interior decor in a number of ways. In fact, you can experience a major transformative change on the overall style and ambiance of a room by making a few simple lighting changes. Consider how these ideas can help you to improve the look of your space with great results, and think about ways that you can improve your space by making a few changes. The Addition of Spotlights If you have fine pieces of artwork, decorative display areas or other features that you want to illustrate with…
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Three Subtle Painting Tricks That Will Make Your Home Look Amazing

When it comes to painting the walls of a house, sometimes subtle is best. You want to add design, color, and texture to the walls, but you don't want it jarring to the eyes. Here are three subtle painting techniques you can try on your home walls. Tissue Paper Texture One easy way to add texture to walls is to use tissue paper. You apply the tissue paper to the walls and it stays there until you want something new. Crumple up a piece of tissue paper into a tight ball and then open it up and smooth it out.…
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