Home Improvement Shortcuts That Can Lead to Disaster — and How to Avoid Them

Are you starting to get the renovation itch? With spring on the way, you might be tempted to launch those home improvement projects that you contemplated over the winter. However, as with any project, you will want to get things right. Let's take a look at four renovation shortcuts that can lead to disaster and the steps you can take to avoid them. Shortcut #1: Not Understanding Your Home's Structure Before you undertake any renovation involving your home's structure, you must be confident that you know exactly what is where. For example, do you know what is inside of your…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – December 4, 2023

The first week of December's largest reports are the GDP estimates, which will be the second estimations of the year prior to the final release. The final GDP reports will be after the new year and are the strongest indicator for the economic state of the country. With the Federal Reserve aiming for a soft landing for the economy, it is important for the GDP and inflation statistics to be in parity with each other. The last but also very important releases for the end of the year are the Personal Income and Spending data. GDP Estimates (First Release) The numbers: The U.S. economy grew at…
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The LTV Ratio: How ‘Loan-to-Value’ Works and Why You Need to Understand This Ratio

Are you in the market for a new home? If you plan on using mortgage financing to buy your next home you've likely heard the phrase "loan-to-value" or the acronym "LTV" before. Let's take a quick look at the loan-to-value ratio including why it's important, how to calculate it, and how it can affect your mortgage. What is the Loan-to-Value or LTV Ratio? In short, the LTV ratio is a number that compares how much money you owe against your home with its resale value in the marketplace. A low LTV ratio indicates that you have far more equity in…
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How Can Home Renovations Protect You from Natural Hazards

Home renovations can be an effective way to protect your home and family from natural hazards. Start by identifying the potential hazards in your area. This can include natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and tornadoes, as well as man-made hazards such as gas leaks and fires. Once you've identified the potential hazards in your area, create a plan for how you will respond to them and prepare your home to take on these natural disasters and keep your home and family safe. Here are some ways home renovations can help protect you: Reinforce Your Home's Structure: One…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – November 13, 2023

The week following the FOMC rate decision meetings are typically very light, with the two most influential releases being the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment and the weekly Job Claims reports. The more positive news is mortgage lending rates have been on the decline in the last two weeks. Consumer Credit Reports Consumer sentiment fell in November for the fourth month in a row due to tensions with the Middle East and there is lingering hawkishness from the Federal Reserve, which could spell continued rate hikes in the future. The preliminary reading of the sentiment survey declined to 60.4 from…
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Reasons You Need an Insurance Binder and How to Get One

When a borrower applies for a mortgage loan, the lender typically requires proof of insurance coverage before they approve the loan. An insurance binder is a document issued by the insurance company that provides temporary proof of insurance coverage until the official insurance policy is issued. The insurance binder for mortgage loans will typically include information about the property being insured, the coverage limits, and the effective date of the policy. The lender will review the insurance binder to ensure that it meets their requirements for coverage and will usually require the borrower to maintain insurance coverage for the duration…
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