Questions To Ask When Transitioning To A Retirement Community

One of the dreams that many people have is to eventually retire. People work their entire lives and save diligently to be able to enjoy those golden years. When the time finally comes, people need to think about the community that is right for them. With this goal in mind, there are a few common questions that everyone should ask to find their ideal retirement community. Important Questions To Consider Some of the key questions that retirees should be asking include: Do I Want A Communal Setting? Many retirement homes are built in a communal setting. Think about a bunch…
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Tips On How To Get The Home You Want In A ‘Seller’s Market’

A "seller's market" happens when there are more potential buyers than homes for sale. In a seller's market, people looking for a home may feel frustration and not easily find the home that they want. When they find a home for sale that they like, the seller of the home may receive multiple competitive offers at the same moment. The seller is in an excellent position when this happens. Sellers can pick from the purchase offers to choose the one they like the most. Even if an offer is the same as another one, sometimes it is not the offer…
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The Most Commonly Searched Household How-To Remedies

Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibility. Many of the responsibilities that people think about involve home maintenance. There are few things that frustrate a homeowner more than having repair and maintenance bills come up. At the same time, it is important to address these properly. For this reason, it is important for everyone to understand the most common how-tos people search for. This will give someone a glimpse into some of the responsibilities he or she might face when owning a home. Those who can handle these how-tos can save money on maintenance costs and repair bills.…
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Culture Clash: Why Boomers Are Moving Back to Big Cities

"Baby Boomers," defined as people who were born between 1946-1964, are the wealthiest generation to ever retire, as well as the largest. According to U.S. Census Bureau projections, the population of people 65 and older will increase by 36% between 2013-2023 and is expected to outnumber children by 2034 -- for the first time in U.S. history. Interestingly, in the decade since the Great Recession,people aged 50-59 are increasingly bucking tradition and moving to urban areas. As Boomers retire en masse, they are headed for major cities, favoring amenities-loaded condos over large single-family homes with manicured lawns. What is responsible…
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The Risks And The Rewards Of Buying Homes In An ‘As-Is’ Condition

When considering buying a home in an "as-is" condition, the buyer takes all the risk of anything needed to bring the property back up to current building codes and make it ready for occupation or re-sale. There can be bargains in as-is properties if you know how to hunt for one.  How To Find As-Is Bargain Properties To find these properties, look for those that sell at auction for tax liens or other reasons for governmental asset-seizure. The might be distressed as-is properties that are foreclosures, short-sales, or estate sales. A popular home-flipping strategy is to buy an as-is property at…
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How Growing, Multi-Generational Families Impact Home Design And Financing

There has been a surge in families who have multiple generations living together. In many cultures, children take care of their parents as they age. This is done in an effort to repay the parents for raising them during their childhood. At the same time, when there are multiple generations living together in the same home, there are some changes in both home design and financing. Financing a Multi-Generation Home Anyone who is looking to finance a multigeneration home will need to detail their financing plan to the mortgage lender. The lender always wants to know how the loan is…
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