How to Budget for Your Home Maintenance and Repairs

Owning a home is a dream come true for many, but amidst the joy of owning a piece of property, many responsibilities can often catch homeowners off guard. While the initial purchase price and mortgage payments are the most obvious expenses, the lesser-known significant costs associated with home maintenance and repairs can wreak havoc on your finances if not properly anticipated. We will discuss the hidden costs of homeownership and provide valuable insights on how to prepare and estimate future expenses, ensuring you're equipped to manage your home without breaking the bank. Understanding the True Cost of Homeownership When you…
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Home Maintenance Projects That Could Save You Thousands On Repairs

Owning a house comes with major responsibilities and one of the most important is routine maintenance. While many people like to skip routine maintenance in an effort to save money, the reality is that these routine maintenance is going to save people down the road. The reality is that maintenance is a homeowner's first line of defense when it comes to protecting their most valuable investment, which is their home. There are a few projects that may save homeowners thousands of dollars down the road. Inspect The Plumbing Connections It is easy to forget about the plumbing system because many…
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The 5 Best Power Tools For Home Improvement On The Market Today

For most people, their home is the most valuable investment they are ever going to make. Therefore, it should make sense that people will want to improve its value over time. In this case, people are going to need to invest in power tools. Those who are interested in home improvement projects need to know about the five most important power tools available in today's market. A Power Drill While this might seem obvious, many people do not own a power drill. This is almost always at the top of the list of the best power tools on the market.…
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When It Makes Sense To DIY

Many homeowners enjoy DIY, or Do-it-Yourself, home improvement projects. There's nothing quite like the pride of knowing you used your own hands to put together or improve something. With the explosion of social media sites such as YouTube, Pinterest,and TikTok, spending a weekend on DIY projects seems easier than ever before. After just a couple of minutes spent searching, you can find a step-by-step tutorial, before and after photos, or a time-lapse video of any project imaginable. Anyone can do this! Right? Not so fast. In some cases, it may not make sense to DIY. How do you decide whether…
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Ensuring Home Contractors Are Following The Rules Under HICPA

There are many homeowners who hire contractors to make repairs or upgrades on their homes. It is critical for home improvement contractors to follow all rules and regulations set forth by the law. These regulations have been set forth under the Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act, or HICPA.  An Overview Of The Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act The Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act was put forth to ensure that homeowners and contractors come to an appropriate agreement. Some of the rule and regulations that are included in the Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act include: All contractors need to obtain a…
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Big Home Repairs That Can Sink A Budget Quickly

For most individuals and families, their home is the most expensive investment they will ever purchase. Therefore, it is important for everyone to take care of their home. Routine maintenance can prevent costly repairs from arising down the road. It is important for homeowners to make sure they budget for home maintenance and repair costs. Even with a meticulous repair schedule, it is still possible that a major repair might be required. There are a few home repairs that are more expensive than others. Damage To The Foundation Of The Home One of the most expensive home repairs that might…
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