Loan Servicing Companies

What happens when you suddenly get a notice to pay your mortgage to a company you may have never heard of? How do you determine if this is a legitimate request or a scam? A borrower may get a written notice or an email that their mortgage sold to another entity or that a new loan servicing company will now be collecting the mortgage payments. The borrower needs to exercise extreme caution before just sending in a payment to the new company. It is prudent to double check to see if the communication is legitimate because many people get scammed…
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5 Ways To Find Properties For Sale That Are Not Listed Yet

Real estate agents, who are successful, know that getting listings is the life energy of their business. It is boring to sit around waiting for a new client to call. It is expensive to spend extraordinary amounts of money on general advertising to get listings. Clever real estate people learn how to find properties for sale before they are listed. Value Of Unlisted Properties Real estate agents and investors have a competitive advantage when they find properties for sale that are not listed. These off-market properties may be available at a better price. There may have little or no other…
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Inexpensive Curb Appeal Tips That Work

No doubt you've been told that curb appeal will help sell your home. But if money is short you'll need to do some curb appeal on a budget tricks. Following are some inexpensive curb appeal tips that really work. Fresh Coat Of Paint A fresh coat of paint adds curb appeal without busting the budget. With a gallon of paint you can freshen up the window ledges, shutters, front door and the garage door. Add a fresh coat of paint to decks and railings, and street lampposts, as well.  Solar Lighting You can find inexpensive solar lighting stakes at discount…
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Can I Sell A House That Still Needs Repairs?

When you started thinking about putting your house up for sale, you probably made a list of repairs that need to be done ahead of time. If that list was long, you might be at a point where you're asking if it's all worth it. Will prospective buyers really notice the little things? And even if they do, will that affect how much you're able to get for your home? You Can Sell An Imperfect House Your house doesn't need to be perfect in order to sell it. Many older homes have some issues like outdated kitchens and bathrooms or…
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The Benefits Of Developing A Multi-Use Property

Renovations that create a multi-use property or the development of a new multi-use project can be a very attractive investment especially in urban areas that are undergoing redevelopment. The concept of multi-use is to make the most of the site that is revitalized or developed. Multi-Use Projects Typical multi-use projects have a mixture of retail space, restaurants, offices, and/or living spaces. They may include parking areas. Large multi-use projects can also become destination locations that are core improvements, which create a momentum for the gentrification of an entire area. Waterfronts, boardwalks, and walking promenades are successful as multi-use projects in…
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Case-Shiller: February Home Price Growth Rate Slowest in 6.50 Years

Home price growth slowed in February according to the Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index. Home price growth hit its lowest rate in more than six years; this indicates that the roaring growth of home prices is settling and could provide opportunities for more would-be buyers to enter the housing market. The 20-City Housing Market Index rose 0.20 percent in February as compared to January. Year-over year home prices grew by 3.00 percent and missed analyst expectations of a 3.20 percent growth rate. The 20-City Index reported slowing trends in home price growth and emerging trends in housing markets within metro…
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