Pros And Cons Of Installing A Pet Door

If you've just moved into your new home and you have a pet, you may be thinking of installing a pet door. A pet door is a permanent door feature that is cut into the bottom third of an entry door. Before making a permanent alteration to your door, consider the pros and cons of installing a pet door.  Pro: Your Pet Can Come And Go As Needed A pet door could cut down on indoor pet accidents if that's a problem you've had to deal with in the past. This is especially convenient if you get home late to…
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Planning a Move With Your Pets

As a pet owner, you’re probably just as excited to see how your pet loves the new house as you are yourself. It’s fun to watch as your pets explore the new digs. But moving can be stressful for pets. Here are some tips for making the move as stress-free as you can for your furry loved ones! Acclimate Your Pets To A Pet Carrier If you travel infrequently, your pets may not be used to being inside the confined space of a pet carrier. Help them get used to it by placing it on the floor near where they sleep.…
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Pros And Cons Of Installing A Pet Door

If you've just moved into your new home and you have a pet, you may be thinking of installing a pet door. A pet door is a permanent door feature that is cut into the bottom third of an entry door. Before making a permanent alteration to your door, consider the pros and cons of installing a pet door.  Pro: Your Pet Can Come And Go As Needed A pet door could cut down on indoor pet accidents if that's a problem you've had to deal with in the past. This is especially convenient if you get home late to…
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How To Keep Your Pets Safe During Your Home Sale

If you have pet, you probably wonder what you can do to keep them safe after you decide to put your home up for sale. With all the disruption going on during a home sale, it's all too easy for pets to get lost, frightened or even injured. Learn how to keep your beloved pets safe during your home sale. Provide An Oasis During Repair Work Most home sellers make a few repairs before allowing agents to show the home for sale. In some cases, repairs can be extensive, leading to a lot of construction materials, tools and strange new items in the…
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Pet-Friendly Homes: Some Selling Do’s and Dont’s

Nearly 70 million American households include at least one pet, but most prospective buyers won't want to see evidence of pets in a home on the market. Here are some tips about how to sell a pet-friendly home. Prior To Listing Point out special pet features to your real estate agent -- a cat door, feeding station or a pet shower, even a fenced back yard or a dog run can be a bonus to many buyers. It's important to remember that buyers want to imagine their pets in the home, not yours! Minimize your pet's presence by decluttering pet supplies as…
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