How to Become A Billionaire Land Trader

Trading land like a billionaire relies on three simple premises. The first one is to acquire the land for cheap. The second one is to never intend to sell it. The third one is, if you trade it, trade up. Howard Hughes Billionaires that start with an inheritance have an advantage. Howard Hughes was born into wealth. His father invented an oil drill that penetrated difficult, hard rock, which made Howard Hughes one of the richest men in the world from his inheritance. Hughes visited Las Vegas during WWII for the first time. Then, in the 1950s, he traded some…
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States With The Best Opportunities To Acquire Investment Property

Real estate investors sometimes get stuck in a rut. They repeat the same type of investment that they did before. This is not necessarily a bad thing because a successful experience is worth repeating. However, it is also a good idea to occasionally take a look at the big picture as well, to see what else is out there for investment consideration. Real estate markets go up and down. This can be a regional phenomenon. In some states, there are lots of properties that are "underwater." This means the owners borrowed more on their property than it is currently worth.…
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What To Look For In A Real Estate Agent

You have lots of choices when it comes to choosing a real estate agent. Aside from deciding if you'd prefer to work with a man or woman, and what age range you'd like them to be, here are some tips to help ensure that you pick one that is best suited for your needs. Signs In Their Bio The first thing to do is read the bios of any real estate agents you're considering. Bios tell a lot about an agent, including what certifications they hold and how long they've been an agent. Some bios even have some personal information…
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The Economics Of Going Green For Home Sales

Earth Day is celebrated each year in April to remind us all of the benefits of ecologically-sound living that is more in harmony with Mother Earth. There is quite a bit of positive news when it comes to going "green." There are significant benefits for home sales. Green homes may sell faster and for higher prices. Many people are willing to pay more for a green home in order to receive the long-term benefits of the savings on utility costs. The Numbers Are Very Appealing AHS reports many encouraging statistics. The estimates are about one-third of the real estate market…
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12 Ways to Lower Your Monthly Utility Bills

According to the US Department of Energy, the average American household paid $111.67 each month for utilities in 2017. With some research and a few DIY projects, property owners can reduce those energy costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Establish Energy Friendly Habits Reduce energy waste to see an immediate change in your utility payments. Before bed, walk around your home. Make sure you turn off all lights, televisions, computers, and other plugged-in devices. In the colder months, close the doors to unused spaces to save big on heating bills. Dial down the heat before bed. Invest in extra blankets…
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8 Curb Appeal Tips for Selling Your Home Fast

From small touches such as new lighting to larger efforts such as tiling the porch or stoop, creating curb appeal is one of the best investments you can make to resell your home fast. Here are eight ideas to maximize curb your appeal. Landscaping Is Critical For The First Impression Cut Back Trees and Shrubs. Landscaping should enhance your house, not overwhelm it. Trimming can bring impressive results. If you don't have a steady hand, leave it to a professional or handy relative. Manicure Your Lawn. A freshly mowed lawn is a must the week before a showing. Be sure to…
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