4 Reasons Why Home Ownership Is Better Than Renting

Are you trying to decide if you should rent or buy? There are many reasons why home ownership is better than renting. Here are just a few to consider when you're making your decision. 1. Stability For Your Family When you own your home, the life of your family will be more stable. If you have children, this is a an even more valuable benefit. Your kids will be able to settle down into the routine of school and extracurricular activities. They'll be able to make lifelong friends in the neighborhood. You and your spouse will be able to feel…
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FOMC Raises Key Rate, Forecasts 2 Rate Hikes in 2019

During its post-meeting statement, the Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve announced that its target range for the Fed's key interest rate would increase one quarter percent to 2.25 to 2.50 percent. While this rate hike was not expected by the Executive branch, it met analyst expectations. FOMC said in its customary post-meeting statement that members expect to make two interest rate hikes in 2019 as compared to three rate hikes in 2018 and the Committee's original forecast of three rate hikes in 2019. Given current economic conditions, the Fed forecasted only one rate hike for 2020. Hawks…
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Big Cities vs. Secondary Markets: Where to Buy?

Atlanta, Charlotte, New York and Los Angeles are always on the real estate radar because of big ticket sales and good media coverage. The secondary markets - those markets without the celebrity undertones - may actually be better deals. With the price of borrowing money rising and occupation rates dropping in primary markets, places like Nashville and Birmingham are looking better to investors. Where Are the Secondary Markets? A secondary market is generally defined as a mid size or large city that has recorded an uptick in growth in the immediate past. They do not have quite the economic clout…
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How To Choose Between Laminate And Hardwood Flooring

Picking out a new flooring can be exciting. After all, as anyone knows, new flooring in a home or business property can completely change the entire atmosphere. A common question asked by commercial and residential property owners is "Should I go with laminate or hardwood flooring?" If you have found yourself asking this question, understand that both types of flooring materials each have their own pros and cons. For the most part, hardwood flooring tends to be more expensive than laminate but this isn't always the case. Let's take a quick look at the benefits and disadvantages of laminate and…
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How Will Interest Rates Affect the Market in 2019?

Forbes and other reputable publications have predicted a continued rise in interest rates over 2019. The initial shock of the Fed's action caused a slowdown in real estate markets over the final part of 2018. As the shock wears off, experts are divided as to whether more expensive money will continue to translate into lower housing starts and occupancy rates for primary markets. Many experts believe that the rising 2018 interest rates have not yet baked themselves into the real estate market. They point to past instances of relatively high real estate hikes and the slower uptake into the property…
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What is the Multifamily Market in 2019 Looking Like?

A growing supply of housing, volatility in the marketplace and risks in the development process all affected the multifamily market in 2018. In 2019, these three factors will continue to move the needle. The Housing Supply Markets like Boston, Seattle and Nashville are growing supply faster than demand. From 2015 to 2017, developers were building like crazy and landlords were enjoying rent increases of 5-7% year over year. They built too much, and the peak has showed itself. Only top markets like Atlanta and Charlotte can justify their cost of living increases. The rest will likely see slower growth and…
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