The Economics Of Going Green For Home Sales

Earth Day is celebrated each year in April to remind us all of the benefits of ecologically-sound living that is more in harmony with Mother Earth. There is quite a bit of positive news when it comes to going "green." There are significant benefits for home sales. Green homes may sell faster and for higher prices. Many people are willing to pay more for a green home in order to receive the long-term benefits of the savings on utility costs. The Numbers Are Very Appealing AHS reports many encouraging statistics. The estimates are about one-third of the real estate market…
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Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with These DIY Home Projects

Your carbon footprint is the measure of your impact on the earth's natural resources. This number describes the amount of fossil fuel it takes to support your lifestyle. In the United States, each person produces an average of 19.78 tons of carbon dioxide every year. A high carbon footprint means your daily habits are a quickening drain on our finite resources.  Homeowners can use these DIY projects to reduce the effect of their lifestyle on the environment. Try Solar Solutions A residential solar system gathers photo-voltaic energy from the sun and converts it into usable electrical current. Once installed, any…
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3 Green and Gorgeous Trends in Home Design

These days, people want energy-efficient homes that look great. To answer the call of passionate environmentalists, developer are rising to the occasion and designing home features that minimize waste, save energy and reuse reclaimed materials. The results are gorgeous, green homes that help move the sustainable living trend forward. Hidden Solar Panels Solar panels are a great way to save energy, but not everyone loves the optics. A series of solar panels on the roof may save you money on your utilities, but it can detract from the natural shape of your home. As an alternative, innovative in-roof solar panels…
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4 Important Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying A Green Home

Buying a home is one of the most important decisions you can make. There are many decisions involved in choosing the right home from picking a real estate agent, to figuring out what type of home will suit your needs. You want the right sized rooms, a floor plan that fits your family, and certain home features you know you can't live without. With all the decisions you have to make surrounding your new place to live, you may want to consider buying a green home. Green homes can be a little more expensive up front, but over time they…
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5 Trends Shaping Green Homes

Think green home design is a fad? Well, think again. Sustainable home designs are gaining popularity at a breakneck speed. In 2017, green homes accounted for more than 60 percent of family home builder's portfolios, according to a survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders.  But what is really driving green home designs? In this post, we explore five trends shaping sustainable homes.  1. Energy Efficiency  Home designs that cater to consumers' need to reduce utility bills continue taking center stage. From net-zero energy homes to energy conserving products, home buyers want to save money. Moving forward, industry…
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4 Top Sustainable Home Trends

The emergence of sustainable energy and products have solidified the go-green movement. Solar energy and electric cars are just the tip of the iceberg. The impact of products on the environment has become a significant measure about their value. Those same principles are also being applied to homes. Smart homes and energy efficiency have a direct correlation to home values and listing prices. That's why homeowners and home builders alike have an eye toward sustainable trends. These are some of the top-ranked home trends. 1: Durability Matters After the catastrophic weather that damaged and destroyed homes in Florida and the…
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