4 Reasons Why Home Ownership Is Better Than Renting

Are you trying to decide if you should rent or buy? There are many reasons why home ownership is better than renting. Here are just a few to consider when you're making your decision. 1. Stability For Your Family When you own your home, the life of your family will be more stable. If you have children, this is a an even more valuable benefit. Your kids will be able to settle down into the routine of school and extracurricular activities. They'll be able to make lifelong friends in the neighborhood. You and your spouse will be able to feel…
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3 Great Homebuying Tools Millenials Have Available to Them Right Now

The economy seems to be heating up rapidly, but home loan interest rates are still at historically low levels. Real estate values have climbed a bit across the country, but low interest rates and affordable prices makes for an excellent opportunity for new homeowners to get into their first home before it rates and prices rise higher. According to the recent studies, there were 4 consecutive quarters of homeownership growth where new homeowners outpaced new renters.  The solid economic fundamentals are likely responsible for creating this excellent home buying environment. Over the past year, Millennials seem to be on board…
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