Moving Can Lead To A Major Emotional Lift

This past year has been stressful for everyone involved. A lot of people have had to spend more time in their house than they ever have in the past. When this is combined with trying to conduct work and school from home, it is easy to see why people are so eager to get out of their house.  Even though a lot of people are spending more time outside, it might be better to consider moving entirely. The reality is that a lot of people are currently associating their home with a lot of bad memories. Therefore, moving may be…
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How to Pack Weird Shaped So They Are Free From Damage

If you are like a lot of homeowners who have just sold their homes, packing up to move is the least enjoyable aspect of the whole thing. Packing is always time consuming, but it is worse when you have weird shaped items to pack. Sometimes the most commonly used items end up being difficult to pack. Here are some tips for how to handle it. Think Outside The Box Many weird shaped items either do not fit inside a standard sized box or they will rattle around and get damaged. Try to think of unusual packaging materials that might fit…
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5 Tips For Getting A Job In A New City When You Relocate

Did you just move into a new city? Transitioning to a new city is hard enough, but when you also need to find a job, it can be even tougher. Since everything is a bit new to you, there are definitely some strategies to implement that will make your job hunting easier. Here are some tips to keep in mind. 1. Let People Know You are Looking For A Job Everywhere you go, spread the word that you are in the market for a new job. In general, people love to help out other people. Someone you speak with will…
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3 Ways To Help Your Kids Deal With The Move

Kids of all ages often have a hard time dealing with moving. They may not be able to understand why the family can't stay in the same place forever. Even with explanations, children often can't readily envision how amazing the new place will be. Here are some ideas for helping your kids deal with the move. 1. Make It Easy To Stay In Touch For a lot of kids, a big sore spot with moving is having to say goodbye to friends and schoolmates. They may even feel like you're intentionally wresting them away from their friends. To demonstrate how…
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Pet-Friendly Homes: Some Selling Do’s and Dont’s

Nearly 70 million American households include at least one pet, but most prospective buyers won't want to see evidence of pets in a home on the market. Here are some tips about how to sell a pet-friendly home. Prior To Listing Point out special pet features to your real estate agent -- a cat door, feeding station or a pet shower, even a fenced back yard or a dog run can be a bonus to many buyers. It's important to remember that buyers want to imagine their pets in the home, not yours! Minimize your pet's presence by decluttering pet supplies as…
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After the Sale: The Next Steps and What You’ll Need to Do Before You Move Out

Getting an offer on your home can certainly make it feel like the hard part is over, but even after the deal is sealed there's still a lot to do when it comes to moving out. Whether you're getting prepared for a future move or your buyer has just signed on the dotted line, here are the first steps to take once it's certain your property is off the market. Start The Packing For many people, packing is something they would rather put off until the last minute, but boxing up your stuff is actually a great opportunity for a…
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